Your Customer Experience

As a customer, a couple of questions you may find your self asking are:

  • What comes next?
  • What can you do to be prepared?
  • How can I have the best customer experience possible?

We have all been in situations where not knowing creates a negative customer experience, the charts below assist in helping you understand what’s next!

What to Expect From us!

When dealing with a service provider it is really important you know who, what, when and why! This is why we have developed and streamlined a system and process at Sokudo Finance that works hand and hand with our technology.

This means that you will be advised every step of the way and know what to expect next.

What do I need to Prepare?

Home Lending - Documentation needed


  • 2 most recent payslips (most recent within 6 weeks from today’s date)
  • 2 most recent years personal tax returns with ATO notice of assessment
  • 2 most recent years tax returns & financial statements for all companies and trusts
  • Evidence of rental income for each investment property ( lease agreement, agent statement, or letter from real estate confirming what expected rental will be)
  • Evidence of any government benefit via most recent letter from centrelink

The more information we have, the easier the process becomes – if you believe that providing extra documents will help, please do so.
For Example – providing your last yearly group certificate from work will reflect overtime and bonuses where as a regular payslip may not.

Savings and Evidence of Funds to Complete

  • 3 months savings statements (to within a week of today’s date)
  • Most recent statement showing sufficient funds to complete the purchase


  • Last 12 months ATO tax portal statement (income tax accounts and integrated client accounts)
  • Most recent 12 months loan statements on any loans being re-financed (to within 1 month of today’s date)
  • Most recent 12 months trading account statements (to within 1 month of today’s date)


  • Most recent 6 months loan statements on any loans being re-financed (to within 1 month of today’s date)
  • Most recent 3 months of credit card statements for any credit cards being re-financed (to within 1 month of today’s date)

Debt statements (if not being re-financed)

  • Most recent loan statement for each loan disclosed on your questionnaire
  • Most recent credit card statement for each credit card disclosed on your questionnaire

Superannuation Statements

  • Most recent superannuation statement for each Applicant


  • Copy of Drivers Licence (front & back) for each applicant or guarantor and or Australian Passport
  • Copy of Medicare Card for each applicant or guarantor


  • Copy of signed purchase contract. Most recent rates notice on any properties owned

When all information has been received, the following appointment options are available:

  • Face to Face – I will contact you to schedule our first meeting at a time & place convenient to both parties.
  • Online Meeting – I will contact you to schedule our first meeting using Skype video conference.
  • Phone and Email – If phone and email is your preferred option, I will contact you to schedule our first meeting by phone.

Self Managed Super Fund - (SMSF)- Documentation needed


  • 2 most recent payslips (most recent within 6 weeks from today’s date)
  • 2 most recent years personal tax returns with ATO notice of assessment
  • 2 most recent years tax returns & financial statements for all companies and trusts (including the SMSF if established)
  • Evidence of rental income for each investment property ( lease agreement, agent statement, or letter from real estate confirming what expected rental will be)
  • Evidence of any government benefit via most recent letter from centrelink

The more information we have, the easier the process becomes – if you believe that providing extra documents will help, please do so.
For Example – providing your last yearly group certificate from work will reflect overtime and bonuses where as a regular payslip may not.

Savings and Evidence of Funds to Complete

  • Most recent 12 months superannuation statements from incumbent provider (if it still has to be rolled over to the new SMSF)
  • Last 12 months ATO tax portal statement (income tax accounts and integrated client accounts)


  • Most recent 12 months loan statements on any loans being re-financed (to within 1 month of today’s date)

Debt statements (if not being re-financed)

  • Current month loan statement for each loan disclosed on your questionnaire
  • Current month credit card statement for each credit card disclosed on your questionnaire


  • Copy of SMSF Trust Deed
  • Copy of Bare Trust Deed
  • Copy of the Registration Certificate for each company
  • Copy of Drivers Licence (front & back) for each applicant or guarantor and or Australian Passport
  • Copy of Medicare Card for each applicant or guarantor


  • Copy of signed purchase contract
  • Most recent rates notice on any properties owned

When all information has been received, the following appointment options are available:

  • Face to Face – I will contact you to schedule our first meeting at a time & place convenient to both parties.
  • Online Meeting – I will contact you to schedule our first meeting using Skype video conference.
  • Phone and Email – If phone and email is your preferred option, I will contact you to schedule our first meeting by phone.

Business Lending - Documentation needed


  • 2 most recent years personal tax returns with ATO notice of assessment
  • 2 most recent years tax returns & financial statements for all companies and trusts
  • Evidence of rental income for each investment property ( lease agreement, agent statement, or letter from real estate confirming what expected rental will be)
  • Evidence of any government benefit via most recent letter from centrelink

The more information we have, the easier the process becomes – if you believe that providing extra documents will help, please do so.
For Example – providing your last yearly group certificate from work will reflect overtime and bonuses where as a regular payslip may not.

Existing Accounts

  • Most recent statement showing sufficient funds to complete the purchase
  • Current month Trading Account statements

Business Loans

  • Last 12 months ATO tax portal statement (income tax accounts and integrated client accounts)
  • Most recent 12 months loan statements on any loans being re-financed (to within 1 month of today’s date)
  • Most recent 12 months trading account statements (to within 1 month of today’s date)

Consumer Loans

  • Most recent 6 months loan statements on any loans being re-financed (to within 1 month of today’s date)
  • Most recent 3 months of credit card statements for any credit cards being re-financed (to within 1 month of today’s date)

Debt statements (if not being re-financed)

  • Current month loan statement for each loan disclosed on your questionnaire
  • Current month credit card statement for each credit card disclosed on your questionnaire

Superannuation Statements

  • Most recent superannuation statement for each Applicant


  • Certificate of Registration of a Company for each Company applicant or guarantor
  • Copy of Trust Deed for each Trust applicant or guarantor
  • Copy of Drivers Licence (front & back) for each Individual applicant or guarantor
  • Copy of Australian Passport for each Individual applicant or guarantor
  • Copy of Medicare Card for each Individual applicant or guarantor


  • Copy of signed purchase contract
  • Most recent rates notice on any properties owned

When all information has been received, the following appointment options are available:

  • Face to Face – I will contact you to schedule our first meeting at a time & place convenient to both parties.
  • Online Meeting – I will contact you to schedule our first meeting using Skype video conference.
  • Phone and Email – If phone and email is your preferred option, I will contact you to schedule our first meeting by phone.

Equipment Finance and Commercial Vehicle Finance - Documentation needed

Asset Details

  • Purchase Contract or Quote
  • Tax Invoice


  • 2 most recent years tax returns & financial statements for all companies and trusts

Business Documents

  • Most recent BAS statement
  • Last 12 months ATO Portals


  • Copy of Drivers Licence (front & back) for each applicant or guarantor and or Australian Passport
  • Copy of Medicare Card for each applicant or guarantor


  • Most recent rates notice on any properties owned